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Erotic Story/Mae Wilde: Mistress Bitch! (Chapter 14)



Mimi shuddered, her body was coming alive gradually, she wanted him and she couldn’t believe that she wasn’t fighting it, like she wasn’t even making an effort at all.

She pulled his head away from her neck then looked at him, really looked at him, pools of desire swam in his eyes and for the moment that was all she needed to see, she didn’t want any promises or anything – they could never be, especially if her father had anything to do with it. she pulled him close to her and reclaimed his lips and he gladly kissed her back.

Theirs was a passion like none either of them had ever known, they couldn’t pull apart from each other and they weren’t even trying, Adewale’s hands found the zip of her dress and he pulled it down, the minute his hard, large hands touched her skin she jolted as if from sleep but she didn’t pull away, she kissed him even more fiercely and he her.

He pulled down her dress slowly, wanting so badly to see every naked inch of her but wanting to take his time just in case this was his last opportunity. He kissed every bit of skin that he exposed and he sighed and moaned as his hot, wet lips touched her soft skin.

Her hands played around on his head and then spread themselves to his chest where she attempted to take his suit jacket off, he wasn’t having it, he wanted to bask in her glorious nakedness first.

He had pulled her dress past her ample bosom and was again delighted to see her peaks hard, taut and ready for him to devour them, he bent over to take one shiny peak into his mouth through the sexy lace of her bra when loud music went off somewhere and he felt her freeze.

“That’s my phone” Mimi said in hushed tones as if they had been caught, she tried to get down but Adewale held her in place.

“Come on Mmesoma, we were just getting to know each other, and you were enjoying it” he said in a tone that at this point wasn’t taking no for an answer. She looked at him with her usual frown, her pussy throbbing hard between her legs and she relaxed again. Baby girl, what are you doing? She thought to herself.

But the caller wasn’t taking no for an answer either, the call persisted for another five times as Adewale’s tongue was wreaking havoc on her nipples one after the other. She pushed him away gently and got down, her breasts bouncing up and down dangerously which made him harder than he’d been when she’d first walked in.

He groaned in frustration when she walked over to her bag to retrieve her phone.

Mimi gasped when she saw who had been calling. Jabita had gotten tired of her not picking her calls and had sent a text that said

“I am coming up” she quickly righted herself and straightened her hair.

“What?” Adewale said as he came up behind her, his arms sliding around her waist, she wanted to melt into his strong arms, she wanted him to tear the dress off and do what he had been planning, God she wanted it, but she had promised and assured Jabita, he was loyal to her but he was also damn protective, if he caused a scene, the whole of Lagos would know about it before the end of the day plus she was in no mood for his taunting.

She didn’t care what her family thought about her – especially her father but she had just begun to build a fan base in this city and she wasn’t putting that on the line. She hurriedly moved away from Adewale’s embrace.

“I have got to get out of here” She murmured and picked up her bag.

“What, why? Who was that?” He said confused

She didn’t say a word, she walked over to the door and yanked it open, Jabita had just stepped out of the elevator and she hurried towards him, it was best she met him there than allow him come near Adewale’s office.

Adewale was pissed and its indication was the heavy slam of his office door, he kicked over his expensive coffee table, his vase crashing to pieces on the floor. He didn’t care at the moment – he was pissed, frustrated and horny. The kind that masturbation doesn’t cover, the kind even that Kitty didn’t cover.

What could he do to get Mmesoma Okafor alone for a day or two, kidnap her?

He liked when people called him Senior instead of his actual given name. It was different and he liked different. He loved that he had a son that he could give his first name to and that would carry his legacy but Adewale Ogunniyi Senior had gotten accustomed to the word and everyone else too, if most growing Igbo boys were ok with being called Junior all their lives then he would be too.

Plus, he was “senior” in every sense of the word. He had been born with an intelligence like no other, a crafty mind and sexual prowess he’d personally deemed second to none. These were the things that really mattered.

It was from his intelligent mind that he made all his money and it was from his blessed penis he produced his beautiful intelligent children – in that though he couldn’t take all the credit – his gorgeous wife had a thing or two to do with it, if there were anyone he admired on the planet it was her – Princess Aderinsola Ogunniyi Nee Fadipe.

She had forsaken everything just to be with him, she had left her royal status for the love they shared and had gone and borne four beautiful kids for him, he had paid back her loyalty time and time again and he wasn’t done yet. He desired her every moment of the day, one only had to look at her, and feel unworthy.

She had spent years and years grooming herself and taking care of herself. She had been used to the best money could buy and he made sure she never stopped being used to it, it was expensive but her mind, grace and her supple, soft and sexy body after four kids was worth it.

It was all worth it when she was happy with him and gave him one of those smiles that lit her eyes and brought out that dimple in her cheek.

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