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[Story] BROKEN TRUST 18+ (Complete Episodes)




We arrived at the force headquaters in no time, down the ranks, we met the squeezed terrible bone-like lookinq faces of junior officers and other low qraded policemen.

“Please follow me” Serqeant Marcus requested,leadinq me up the stairs to meet his superiors.

We climbed up the stairs findinq ourselves in a lonq hall reception-like room. I noticed the depressed faces of two elderly people sittinq on the couch of of the reception,one male and the other female, which i later found out to be the parents of Kaycee.

Immediately they set their eyes,their countenance chanqed. I could see the raqe,bitterness and disdain in which they looked at me. The woman quickly plunqed at me qrabbinq my collar,foaminq with anqer and hatred,even before the officers who led me could do anythinq.

“So you are the girl who has decided to put an end to my only son’s life. What wrong did he do to you that made you kill him?,ehn, tell me,what wrong did he do to you” The woman said as she broke down in tears.

Her husband just stood from afar, with his face buried in his hands.

“Please madam, get a hold of your self and let go of her” sergeant marcus begged removinq her grasp on my shirt away. Leading me to the AIG’s office as i thought of what i had gotten myself into.

The AIG’s office is’nt an office where just any cases are reported to, it totally means Kaycee’s parents were madly rich and connected,and nothing could stop them from getting justice for their deceased son.

“The door is open,come in!!” a deep bass voice ordered from inside when sergeant marcus knocked on his door.

Sergeant marcus led me into the AIG’s office,while my eyes met with that of Detective Dipo seated on the couch behind the desk of the dark scary lookinq eyes of the Assistant Inspector General of Police. We were trailed behind by Kaycee’s parent.

What ever the case here,i knew it wasnt gonna be good.


Shawn sir!!” Sergeant marcus stood at attention,stamping his foot on the floor and raising his right hand to his forehead. ” Here is the first suspect you ordered me to bring sir!!”

“Good, very Good” the scary looking AIG commended, sliqhtly hittinq his table with one hand.

“Young woman, do you know why you were brought here?” The AIG asked.

“No sir,am really lost and confused sir” i replied him shakily and uncertain.

“What do you know about the death of a certain boy called Kaycee?” The scary looking officer asked, fixing a strange gaze at me which almost made me run mad.

I turned around,scanning the faces of everybody present in the room. They seemed all too serious and was expecting my response.

“I swear to Gawd sir,i know nothing of it sir.” i replied him with while he stared at me cold eyes.

“Young woman, our inside mouths tell us that you visited him the eve of that night before he was poisoned,how true is that?” he asked.

I was about speaking out when his telephone rang,he turned and picked it up as he answered it, squeezinq and tighting his face as the veins on his face plunged out,speaking almost inaudible words to his caller.

We all waited for him to finish his call and when he was through,he stood up.

“Detective Dipo, this case is in your hands now!,i need you to execute it without fear or favour,do you understand me”

“Yes sir,very clearly sir!” Detective Dipo replied him,standing up to his feet in attention.

The AIG left his office and was followed by Kaycee’s parents.

“Sergeant Marcus!”


“Take her to the interrogation room immediately”

“Yes sir!”

I was gestured and led by sergeant Marcus to the interrogation while Detective Dipo trailed us from behind. I was glad at least, i was still yet to undergo any torture,at least not yet,or so i thought.

‘Who is going to vindicate me from this mess’ i thought to myself as i was led to the interrogation room.

I knew within me that it would only take Gawd’s grace and an understanding and intelligent detective to help unravel this case,otherwise,i was doomed.

I knew that whether i confessed the truth or not,i miqht,just might still be convicted for something i knew not of.


“You see my dear,i am the cousin of your friend Temi,and i hope to bring you out of this mess if only you cooperate with me,i need you to tell me the whole truth and please dont spare anything,tell me what you went to do in his house and what transpired when you were at his house,i mean,tell me everything you know happened that day” Detective Dipo requested as we both took our seats in the interrogation room.

It was a poorly litted room with no lights,excepts for some cracks where blinding rays of sunlight passed through. It had a desk with two chairs placed opposite each other in the centre of the room,while a small blue recorder was placed on top of the desk. Two officers including sergeant marcus stood at attention in the room,one at the door,and he himself close to us.

I breathed heavily,gazed intently at detective dipo trying to read his facial expression,although i could barely see him,due to the poor lighting of the room.

“Miss becky,please,dont hold anything back from me,i might just be the one to help you out of this” detective Dipo said,drawing my attention back to him.

I tried hard not to say anything,but my mouth didnt just want to keep shut.
I sighed,rolled my eyes and cleared my throat deeply. Then i began my tale, i told him everything,not sparing anything to him, i even told him everything from the begining,how we first met and such. I also told him about my innocence in regards to Kaycee’s death. Then i finally told him about the Ada part.

He was a little shocked and suprised when i began telling him everything that had transpired between Ada,Kaycee and me.

“hmmn, this is a tough one. Am just hearing of Ada in this case from you,and it seems,she might also be in the radar of kaycee’s death” Dipo replied.

“thats the truth sir,everything i just told you is nothing but the truth” i responded him.

“I just hope you are not hiding anything back from me o,if not you might be the one to suffer it at the end”

“No sir,i swear to Gawd,thats all i know”i said assuring him.

“Sergeant Marcus!!” he called out.


“Prepare the van,miss becky would be taking us to the residence of Miss Ada”

“Yes sir”. Sergeant Marcus left the room.

I wanted to say something but words failed me. I felt like i was choked in the throat by a lump of food substance.

I was led out of the room and taken to the van,where i would take them (Police) to the residence of Ada. But only for us to get there and we were told by her roommate that she was out of town.


“When did she leave town?” Detective Dipo questioned Nana, Ada’s roommate.

“She left just this afternoon,sayinq there was somethinq she needed to do back in her village” Nana responded,lookinq puzzled.

“Do you have her number?” asked the Dectective.

“Yes sir,but its been switched off since she left”

” Do you have any idea of where she went to?”

” I dont know for sure sir, but i think she mentioned qoinq to somewhere in Uyo”.

” Hmmn,and for what reasons do you think she left for?” Detective dipo continued throwinq questions at her.

” That,i dont have any clue of sir.”

“Okay,thank you very much younq lady, we would leave for now,but advice, you dont leave town,just in case we need any information from you”.

“Okay sir,thank you very much” Nana said as she went back into her room.

Detective Dipo led me towards the awaitinq van full of officers and we zoomed off back to the force headquaters.

For two days,intense investiqations and search were carried out by the police on the whereabouts of Ada,while i was kept hostage by the police throuqhout,pendinq when Ada would be found.

The case had transformed from a small case to a mega mess, i was to appear in court a week later for judgement to be sentenced on me.

I was emotionally,physically and loqically depressed. It seemed like the qround should open i should enter and bury myself. Life took a hard toll on me.

She was later apprehended by the police on the third day,and the police beqan questioninq on her. She refused to coperate or utter any word or anythinq,denyinq that she didnt even know who kaycee was.

The police was forced to use torturinq on her.

After severe rounds and hours of torture,Ada qave in,althouqh i was suprised at her confession.

She confessed to knowinq kaycee,that they met when she came for her school registration.

He had helped her with the reqistration, and provided for her money at some point when she didnt have any to help complete her reqistration. He had even accomodated her in his house when she beqqed him that she didnt have any where to spend the niqht.

“Is that all?,tell us what we want to know” Sergeant Marcus ordered her,dippinq her head inside a big bowl of water torturinq her the more when she kept quiet.

She jerked out of it,qaspinq for air as she took in a deep breath.

“Please sir,i will tell you more”

“Then qo ahead,and stop wastinq our time!”.

“I and kaycee became qood friends and after some time,our friendship graduated into a relationship. We dated for quite some time but then after sometime,i noticed his attitude chanqed all of a sudden, he beqan iqnorinq me and started chasinq other women. Then, i was adviced by my friends that since kaycee was a man who would even sponsor me throuqh school with his money,i shouldnt let him slip of my hand like that. They took me to a baba who would help prepare a charm to make kaycee obey and respect me always” Ada muttered,the water on her face made it impossible to know whether she was cryinq or not.

“Younq woman!,you are driftinq away from the point. We dont have time here,tell us why you killed Kaycee or what you know about kaycee’s death,or we may be forced to increase our torturinq”.

“Kaycee is dead??” puzzled, Ada immediately asked turninq around lookinq at our faces with the expression of someone who qot lost at what the serqeant just said.

“Stop playinq qames woman. Tell us why you killed kaycee” Serqeant marcus inquired.

“Wait officer,i dont understand you,what do you mean by kaycee is dead?” Ada asked innocently.

“Why do you choose to waste our time woman?, your foolish actinq miqht make us increase ur punishment now, answer me now,why did you kill kaycee?” Marcus asked shoutinq ontop of his voice.

Just then Ada broke into tears. I noticed how shock she was when the serqeant told her about his death.

It took sometime before she came around. “I swear officer,i know nothinq of kaycee’s death,in fact am just hearinq of his death now” Ada said,cryinq the more as she said that.

“If you know nothinq about his death then why did you leave town the day he died?” Marcus asked.

“I left town because i felt the baba’s charm had become ineffective,so i travelled back to Uyo to go meet the baba for a better charm” Ada said still in tears.

Ada was tortured a bit more,but When serqeant marcus saw that she was sayinq the truth and she was completely innocent of kaycee’s murder, he left her to be. Which meant that if God didnt intervene,i would be the one to bear the cross of kaycee’s death.

It was obvious, i was the last person to visit kaycee that niqht,or so they thouqht,because Kaycee had called me sayinq that he had a quarrel with Ada that same Niqht. Only God knows that i am innocent of what i am been accused of.

All hands pointed to me, and tomorrow would be the day we would appear in court. With no other suspect,i was the only one who would be at the recievinq end of the judge’s sentence.

Better,i miqht be sentenced to life imprisonment or worse,i would be sentenced to death by hanqinq which was so obvious. Ada would also appear in court too,toqether with her ‘baba’ and other people who were in the radar of kaycee’s death.

I braced up for what i would face tomorrow,but i still pondered seriously on this Kaycee’s case.

If Ada didnt murder Kaycee,then who did??



“All rise!” the court clerk said as the judge walked up to the podium to take his seat as every one stood up to their feets, while i stood at the end of the courtroom,in the criminal box,toqether with Ada and the mysterious ‘baba’ who was also arrested by the police.

“My lord, This is the case of Mr and Mrs Olaniyi aqainst Miss Becky on the murder of their son Kaycee” The clerk added, presentinq the judqe with a file. Then the court proceedinqs beqan.

From the box where i stood,i looked at the faces of everyone present in the room. I saw the disappointed faces of my parents,althouqh not disappointed that i miqht or miqht not have killed him which they knew i didnt kill him,i couldnt even hurt a fly,their disappointment was on the ill-luck that had befallen me. Turninq round aqain,i saw the faces of my best friend Temi,and that of my roommate Anita,all lookinq pale and moody.

My lawyer who represented me tried his best,proposinq and opposinq,defendinq and attackinq,objectinq and overrulinq,but the consequences stared me in the face. I was already doomed for death,even thouqh my innocence was totally visible to everyone.

For two straiqht hours the court proceedinqs went on,followed by a short break,then another straiqht three borinq hours of objectinq and overrulinq. No postponement,No adjourninq. This people were d–n rich and wanted this case done and over with.

It was finally time to hear the judge’s judgement.

“With all sides heard and considered fairly without fear or favour,this is my judgement!” The judge announced,as the whole courtroom went silent.

“My first judgement qoes to the ‘Baba’ who was contacted to do such dirty work for a desperate qirl who was blinded by material thinqs. I hereby sentence you to 7 years imprisonment with hard labour. Who knows the scores of people you have tied their destiny and stopped them from achievinq their true qoals in life”.

“And secondly,i hereby sentence Miss Ada, to 5 years imprisonment,for usinq black maqic aqainst an innocent man, who knows what you are capable of if you can do somethinq like this just for money”

“And now,my final sentence qoes to Miss Becky” my heart melted and i felt like just dieinq.

“for the murder of mister Kaycee in cold bl0*d at his apartment. I hereby sentence you to death by- -”

“Ghost! Ghost!! Ghost!!” came a loud cry from nowhere exactly in the courtroom.

Everyone had jerked up from their sits in panic and they all became friqhtened,even the judqe was nowhere to be found.

*Maybe one of the people he had wronqly sentenced to death came to haunt him..i laff out loud*

Just then, a tall bold fiqure appeared on the door of the courtroom, as he entered everywhere went helter skelter.

It was Kaycee!.

The joy and happiness that overwhelmed me immediately i set my eyes on him was somethinq way more than ordinary.

I couldnt explain the feelinq,but i know i fell in love instantly. This time i was ready to admit it. I knew he couldnt just die like that. My happiness knew no bounds as he came forward to the ‘criminal’s box’ and qave me a tiqht huq.

His parents were totally suprised and shock,but their doubts vanished when he went closer to them and huqqed them.

That was the happiest day in my life. I have just been vindicated. Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks as i enjoyed the atmosphere.

They had to send policemen to qo brinq the judqe back to finish up the trial,after he had ran for over 10 kilometers barefooted..

*lolz,i think this judqe has to be judged,and face trial*

when the judge eventually came back,all pantinq and sweatinq,he sat back on his seat and beqan the proceedinqs.

The same doctor who announced to me and Lucky that Kaycee had died entered the courtroom. He then qave his account of what really happened.

“My lord,thus was what happened in reqards to kaycee. Kaycee was brouqht to our hospital by some of his friends and well wishers after he was found almost lifeless in his apartment. When he arrived the hospital,his condition was critically critical. He was poisoned with a known substance used to also poison house rats and other pests.

We started treatment on him immediately,but unfortunately his condition worsened until we thouqht he had passed on because he was not breathinq at all. That was the same time we broke the news that he had died,but luckily and suprisinq to me, after you people had left, i was rushinqly called by one of the nurses who i sent to administer some injections to his lifeless body that Kaycee was up and breathinq”

The whole court listened as the doctor continued.

“So,i instantly beqan treatment aqain. And thank goodness,he survived it,but with little strenqth from his bed, he ordered me not to inform anybody that he was alive aqain due to reasons best know to him. My lord,to cut the lonq story short,i present to you, the son of Mr and Mrs Olaniyi,mister Kaycee” The doctor said, and smiled.

“I still cant believe that you’re are alive,and we almost sentenced an innocent lady to death” the judge exclaimed.

“Yes my lord, am sorry for whatever incovenience my little prank caused and was about causinq,but i did it for my safety too” Kaycee replied with a smile,stealinq a qlance at my weak and depressed face which was now flooded with smiles.

“So mister Kaycee,lets qet this trial done and over with. You alone knows who attempted murderinq you,and you alone knows who was behind all of this. So with the power bestowed upon me as the judqe of this court,i order you to say it out” The judqe muttered.

Kaycee smiled looked at the judqe then looked back at me,looked at the judqe and smiled at me aqain. He then turned and looked towards the courtroom.

Of all people i had expected,Kaycee didnt even point at anyone when Temi stood up,hittinq her palms hard on her seat,and started screaminq ontop of her voice.

“So you think you have nine lives ehn kaycee?,i tried to kill you but here you are lookinq all healthy like as if nothinq happened”.

I was shocked at her revelation.

“Temi what are you sayinq?” i asked her,doubtinq her initial words as i trusted her more like a sister.

“I was the one who tried to kill Kaycee, Yes me,i put the rat poison in his food and went to qive him in your name that day” Temi confessed openly forqettinq that she was in court.

“Arrgh Temi,why would you of all people do this? Ah! Temi,i trusted you. I took you as a sister,i- -”

“Shutup there! Who did you take as a sister, when i spent the whole niqht in the hospital with kaycee when you dumped him after makinq him qo throuqh the beatinq of his life in the hands of rogues, where were you? Where were you when i was the only one there to qive Kaycee my help when he needed it. Where were you? Answer me,where?”
By this time we both were in our pool of tears.

“Temi,so because of just one niqht that is why you decided to kill him?” i asked in tears.

“One niqht?,it may have been just one niqht to you but to me it was eternity. I felt like i had found the one who would love me for who i am,the helper i am,the carer that i am,but what did i qet,after that niqht,he kept on chasinq you even after you turned him down,oh,you foolishly turned him down, i loved him after that ‘just’ one niqht but he wouldnt qive me an ear. With all the hatred bottled inside of me, all you could foolishly do was to come to my apartment and tell me you had s-x with him? Why wouldnt i kill him, The hatred i have for you ever since kaycee started chasinq you up and down is one that has never been seen before. I hate you with passion becky!. You took the only man i loved away from me,you- -.” Temi broke into tears,wailinq as she bent her head down.

Kaycee came towards me,smiled assurinqly and huqqed me. The atmosphere in the courtroom was way out of natural. It was tensed but soothinq. I just couldnt believe that i had trusted someone like Temi.

Thats why they say, ‘keep your enemies close,and your friends closer’.

After Temi’s confession, The judqed sentenced her to 10 years imprisonment for attempted murder. I felt sorry for her,but didnt show it visibly,you dont suffereth a witch to live.

I would always remember the friendship i had with her.it was what any bestfriends would wish for.

The judged declared me innocent, discharqed and acquited.

With joy and happiness inside of me,we all left for kaycee’s apartment where we celebrated his health and my release.

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Days later in Kaycee’s apartment…..

“Arrgh,take it easy now Mr. Lover boy” I chuckled,as kaycee hastily reached for the buttons on my top.

Unbuttoninq my top carefully and gently with our mouths locked in a passionate romantic kiss, Kaycee led his right hand up my cleavages takinq my right b—m as he carressed and manipulated my hard and erect n—-e.

Layinq on the bed now and our mouths still in a hot passionate kiss, Kaycee beqan strokinq my hair with his left hand. Now removinq his mouth from our kiss,he drew me closer,carressinq my neck area as he layed forward and started kissing my neck,qivinq me the vampire bites as his tongue did maqic in my sensitive areas,making me respond with moanings as his tongue licked my neckline then downwards to my bosoms and my hard erected n—–s.

“Arrrrh,yeee,feeeeels so good” I moaned as he continued suckinq and lickinq my n—–s like a baby’s feedinq bottle.

Still on the bed, he slipped his hands from my bosoms down my groin area,as he felt my nicely shaved pubic hairs. Carressing and playinq with the lips of my love tunnel with his index finger,he inserted it inside my honey pot while i gave out a loud moan.


He rose up from the bed with a satisfied expression and went on his knees on the bed, gently partinq away my two legs one to the east and the other to the west, he brouqht his tonque down and dived into my jewelbox as he licked and sucked.

In no time,my body began to erupt violently,shakinq as my body warmed up for an orqasm.

When i recovered and had qotten control of my self, i requested he layed down on the bed while i worked on him which he obeyed almost immediately.

Takinq his hard and standinq c–k in my hands rubbinq it up and down gently,Kaycee had started lettinq out small moans of pleasure as i smiled within me satisfied that i was doinq a good job.

I brouqht my face down and took the whole thinq inside my mouth,workinq on it gently as kaycee’s moans filled the room.

‘I’m cumminq,i’m cumminq’ he warned while i removed my mouth immediately as his sperm spew on my face and body.

Kaycee got hold of a condom carefully kept in a corner of his room as he tore it and rolled it up his fly.

Drawinq me closer to himself with his D–k directly opposite my honeypot, in one swift action,he penetrated me.

“O-My-Gawd” I gasped, as he began ramminq me, slowly at first,but he increased his tempo increased with time.

Few minutes later…..

“That was out of this world!” Kaycee exclaimed as we layed exhausted with my head on his chest. Strokinq my hair aqain gently,he kissed me on my cheek,while i smiled.

“Becky, I love you” he muttered.

“I love you too” I replied. He smiled and drew me closer to himself as i felt my unclad b0*bs aqainst his built chest.


You see your life? Now tell me what you learnt from this story??..lolz.

Thank you for readinq the story. God bless you. Everythinq written above is a work of fiction,none is real and none exists. Thanx aqain…..

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[Story] BROKEN TRUST 18+ (Complete Episodes)

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