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Pulse List: 5 harmful sex habits to break now


Sex is an important part of happy relationships and marriages. It’s important to talk about sex and give it weight in our everyday lives.

But there are some bedroom issues that come up all the time, and we just don’t realize they are there until it’s almost too late to make amends.

So for a hotter and more erotic sex life, you should try as much as possible to stay away from these harmful sex habits.

1. You are comfortable with the same sex routine

Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Don’t get us wrong, there is nothing wrong with enjoying your normal sex routine, but exploring new styles might just give your relationship the spark it so desires. Keep work out of the bedroom, this means you respect the spaces where you’re having sex.

2. Make your sex life adventurous

At the end of the day, you return home to your partner and just forgetting sexual adventure for a normal sexual routine might seem very boring. You should check in with your partner on how they feel about your sex life so you don’t end up in a situation that is not really doing it for you anymore.

3. Make the bedroom sacred

Working in the bedroom may be terrible for your health and your sex life. You tend to drift from the main focus of the bedroom which is keeping it sexually sacred by thing about work deadlines and projects. It is very tempting to bring in work tools, but it is extremely toxic and you shouldn’t do it.

4. You skip on sex

Don’t skip sex. You might think that everything else in life is of primary importance and sex is secondary. Make sure to have a regular sex life because it is important for happy marriages.

5. You don’t tell your partner something turned you on

If something turns you on, let your partner know. Let them in on what kind of sex/foreplay moves does it for you. Remind your partner how hot he or she is. There are plenty of ways to let your partner know you’re interested in having sex. You don’t have to climb on his or her lap if you don’t want to. A simple make out session can turn into a full sexual romp.

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