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Erotic Story/Edymaniac: Busty Ngozi and the ogling police officer (Part 4)


“Let’s make a deal. I prove I wasn’t lying about the padding and you let me go…” Before he could answer, she peeled the front of her dress down until it rested underneath her magnificent breasts. It was obvious she was telling the truth. Their full rounded shape was perfectly filling the sexy black lace…

Great! Inspector Haruna finally knew what she was hiding. Now he wondered just how far he could push it.

“Just the one drink was it? That’s what you said. That wouldn’t be another of your little lies now would it?” He marched back towards her, his mouth twisted into a crooked grin.

Butterflies were moving through Ngozi’s stomach, she knew he had the upper hand now, and he knew it too. She had to do something to regain control of the situation.

“Let’s make a deal. I prove I wasn’t lying about the padding and you let me go…” Before he could answer, she peeled the front of her dress down until it rested underneath her magnificent breasts. It was obvious she was telling the truth. Their full rounded shape was perfectly filling the sexy black lace bra she was wearing. Her hardened nipples could easily be seen, straining through the thin material.

Inspector Haruna’s mouth fell open. His heart was beating faster than it had ever beaten before, this was more of a rush than any high speed car chase. He was beyond making any deals, he was beyond reason or rational thought, his mind was possessed by lust and he acted only on instinct.

He forcefully twisted her around so she faced away from him, pinning her up against her car door.

“Officer!” Ngozi shouted out, shocked by his sudden burst of aggression.

Without warning, Inspector Haruna plunged both his hands inside of her bra. He squeezed and caress them all over, grunting as he went. He couldn’t get over how firm and heavy they were, yet so slender and soft at the same time.

“You’re a criminal.” He breathed the words into her ear. It sent shivers all through Ngozi’s body, and she cursed herself for how horny it was making her. He shouldn’t be doing this, he was an Inspector of the law, but quite clearly he was a horny policeman. If only he knew how dirty she could be…maybe he was about to find out.

“Criminals no dey make deal.” He couldn’t resist giving her little ear a nibble this time. The scent of her sweet perfume and the fresh clean smell of her hair was stimulating. He lifted her breasts up towards her chin and let them slap back down into his palms, they were magnificent. Taking her left breast in his hand he used his other hand to pull the bra cup down underneath it, then repeated it with the right one. He half expected them to sag down, but miraculously they kept their gravity defying shape.

Now free, he set about squeezing them once more, if he had it his way he will never let them go. “Oh yes.” He mumbled.

Ngozi shuddered again as she felt his rough stubble scratching her skin as he kissed and licked his way up her neck. She didn’t care now that he was a balding old pervert. Her recent experiences with older guys had always ended up in mind blowing orgasms.

Maybe it was because of their desperation, or maybe because they fucked her like it was the last time they will ever have sex again, giving her everything they had. Either way she knew where this was going, and needed the sexual release that was steadily building inside of her.

His body was pressed tightly against hers. At first she had thought the hard rod digging into her hip was his torch, only when it twitched did she realise, with a hefty degree of excitement, that it was his achingly hard dick. It felt huge, and the thought of it being driven into her tight little pussy was causing her knees to shake with anticipation.

“Ahhhhh!” She uttered, as Inspector Haruna twisted and pulled on her small stiffened nipples.

“Yeah you like that do you?”

“Yesss! OOOO!” She screamed again as he roughly pulled on them once more, pinching them tightly between his fingers.

“Ohhh you are naughty.” Inspector Haruna couldn’t believe how she was responding. He had even gone from thinking this one little act might cost him his job, to now thinking that she might even be into this. His thoughts were instantly confirmed as he felt her grind against his crotch, and begin to slowly rotate her hips, circling her ass around his swollen member.

“Oh you devil!” He groaned. Was this going to happen? Did she want his dick? It just wasn’t possible!

“Show me that ass.” He grope around, eventually managing to pull up her dress. It’s skin tight fabric just clung to her waist as it bunched up. He could feel his saliva dribbling down his chin, as he stared at the most magnificent view of her fat ass. She was wearing a tiny black undies, with straps the width of spaghetti, and a small v-shaped patch of lace, the size of a stamp, nestled just above the crack in her ass.

He couldn’t resist giving it a slap, admiring how it jiggled.

Ngozi looked over her shoulder at him, she loved the expression of pained lust, which was engraved into his every feature. Her eyes moved down over his body, his white shirt was mostly concealed under his, black body armour, which was straining to hold in his gut. A walkie talkie was clipped to its top pocket, along with many gadgets which hung from his belt.

This was beyond role playing, this was real life. She needed that fat dick of his and she needed it now!

“What are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to punish this little criminal?” As her words began to register in Inspector Haruna’s ears, there was a few seconds that passed, where shock had frozen his body stiff.

This quickly evaporated and he hurriedly fought to free his dick. He knew he had a massive dick, it had helped him punch above his weight in his youth. But this? This was like a feather weight trying to knock out a sumo wrestler. He had no idea why such a gorgeous angel would want to get fucked by him. But he was in no way about to argue.

Giving up on trying to pull it out through his open zips, he just yanked down his trousers. Acting on pure instinct he pulled her panties to one side, pinning it against her ass cheek, then lined himself up with her pussy.

“Time for a pussy search, you filthy criminal!” His tip brushed against her wet pussy and he felt her warm pussy lips begin to spread apart, beckoning him in. He thought his saggy balls were about to explode then and there, as he managed to push about half of his 9 inch shaft into her tight gripping pussy.

“OH GOD!” He yelled, as at that same instant Ngozi slammed herself backwards into him, making sure that he filled her all the way up with his thick meaty dick.

” Yes! You dirty bastard!” Ngozi could hardly believe how big his dick was, it was stretching her out to the limit. She could feel every vein on it’s knotted, gristly shaft, stimulating the walls of her pussy, as he pulled out and plunged into her deeply, over and over. Her legs really were shaking now, as he fucked her dripping wet pussy.

“UH UH UH!” Inspector Haruna grunted with every thrust. Tears were forming in his eyes, he just couldn’t believe his luck.

One minute his hands were all over her sexy thighs, he wanted to stroke every inch of her incredible body. The next they were slipping under the straps of her panties, as he took a firm hold of her ass and fucked her as hard as his old bones would allow.

“UUNNGGHHH! YESS! OH YESSS!! FUCK ME HARD! THAT’S IT DON’T STOP!!” Ngozi could sense the familiar much needed signs of an almighty orgasm building inside of her.

Every thrusting drive was sending ripples of pleasure all through her body. Ngozi smacked her fists against the roof of her car and screamed again “OOOOHHHH YYEEESSSSS!!!” She was so close now.

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